Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Seplawan cave

Menoreh Mountains extend from the district of Kulon Progo DI Yogyakarta to Purworejo district, Central Java. The process of natural evolution over millions of years that have shaped the surface of ancient mountains is such that it presents a panorama of natural wonders. In some peaks are there are a number of natural caves very attractive and one of them is the cave in Purworejo Seplawan. While the other was in Kulon Progo the cave there is also Kiskendo Silumbu cave, cave and cavern Silawang Gong. The third cave is located in the area semuannya Purworejo.

Seplawan Goa is the only cave in Purworejo who had made attractions. This cave was exactly Donorejo village, subdistrict Kaligesing about 40 miles to the east of the city center.

Seplawan Goa is a site that is very valuable. Because, caves found on August 15, 1979 was in one corner of the cave was found a 22-carat gold statue 9 inches tall with a weight of 1.5 kg. Arca was a statue of a man and a woman who was holding hands. The archaeologist believes that the statue is of Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati. Arca is a relic of the time of the Hindu Shiva. Now the statue is kept in the National Museum. Instead, the government built a replica of the statue in front of the cave mouth, the replica was larger than that resembles the actual monument.

Besides having the privilege as prehistoric sites have other features that is the beauty Seplawan cave itself. Goa has ornaments are very beautiful and fascinating as the stalactites and stalakmit with varied sizes. Other ornaments were no less interesting as stone Flow, helektit, soda straw, gowerdam and others.

Seplawan Goa has approximately 700 meter long, while the branches of cave around 150-300 meters. Specific path for existing visitors lamp lighting while for the branches of cave lighting was not installed because of the muddy conditions. So there is a cave branch name with the term "mud palace" because so much mud.

Location Goa attractions Seplawan already equipped with facilities such as prasana facilities and bathroom / WC, small Mushola simple, Gashebo, relay Pandang and there is also the flower gardens are beautiful. Scenery around seplawan very beautiful cave besides air too cool for this region at an altitude of about 800 mdpl. Through viewing post, visitors can see the south coast, the city Krogo Kulon, and Sermo Reservoir. Even if it rises to a hill in the cave area, visitors can see Mount Merapi, Mount Merbabu, and Sindoro Sumbing and also Mount Slamet. However, the mountains can be seen only in the morning. So, many of the visitors that camping in Seplawan so in the morning to see the natural beauty of the area's Seplawan.

We have a visitor segment is still dominated by the young and a bit from parents. They come from Purworejo and surrounding areas. Seplawan Cave visitors are still very few. This is because of its location far from the city center and the area was still too Seplawan simple. This becomes a job and home governments to develop a tourist attraction since Seplawan Goa has its own characteristics in terms of history and natural beauty. So that later with the development of Goa Seplawan objects that will enhance the Regional Revenue.


Gong Cave

No wonder if Pacitan in East Java, known as the "City of Thousand Goa". Strewn across the caves are very easy to visit anyone.

The existence of cave became the most dependable attractions by Pacitan. To the point, there are funny sentence that reads, "Not to Pacitan if we have not walked his famous caves". Two well-known caves, including Goa and Goa Gong wasp.

Goa Gong
Goa Gong in limestone hills located in the village of Bomo, PUNUNG District, about 30 kilometers from Pacitan City. The path to cave is very good so they can use a motor vehicle intended any kind. Even so, remain worthy of skeptical, road winding caves and berjurang sharp.
Entering the cave, we are immediately treated to stunning scenery. Panorama in the cave so beautiful. Limestone stalactites and formed stalakmit naturally decorate the cave walls and the sky. Growing exotic landscape watered by a stone when light of different colors at the same time for street lighting.

Stalactites and the size range stalakmit seen towering and sturdy on the floor or the sky caves. Space in a very large cave. The place is falling down, begins when we entered the cave mouth.
The silence in the cavern increases typically by the dripping of water from the sky caves. Landscape walls and shiny by the reflection of light diffraction on a wet wall. Then, the occasional gusts of wind a faint buzzing our ears whispered to participate in the peaceful atmosphere dissolves into the world under the earth so adorable and invites our imaginations wander into prehistoric times.
We do not need to worry, in a cave already available lines of artificial walkthrough so that visitors safe and comfortable. Or, we hired a guide service lines from the local residents as well as gain insight into the history of cave knowledge conveyed these guides.
Goa Gong claimed as the most beautiful caves in Southeast Asia. Pacitan, even proud of this country deserve a claim usually made by foreign tourists. Access to Pacitan was very much for being on the southern tip of Java. But, however, this cave must be visited. A stunning masterpiece of nature.


Raja Ampat Island

Raja Ampat is one of the districts in the province of West Papua, Indonesia. The district capital is located in Waisai. The archipelago is located in the northwest province of Papua has a total area of land and sea around 9.8 million acres. Located in the Coral Triangle, the heart of the world's coral reef biodiversity, the seas around Raja Ampat Islands is indicated as the most wealthy areas biological diversity in the world.

Collection of extensive coral reefs and rich coral reefs prove that this island could withstand threats like coral bleaching and disease, two types of threats that now jeopardize the survival of coral reefs around the world. Strong ocean currents in the Raja Ampat important in spreading the coral and fish larvae across the Indian and Pacific oceans to the other reef ecosystems. Ability is supported by the diversity and resilience make this priority area to be protected.
In 2002, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and its partners conducted a scientific survey to obtain data and information about marine ecosystems, mangroves, and forests of the Raja Ampat Islands. This survey shows that there are some 537 species of coral, which is amazing because it represents approximately 75% of reefs in the world. In addition, 828 species of fish and estimated the total number of fish species in this region 1074. On land, the study found lush forests, endemic and rare plants, plants in limestone and thousands of sea turtle nesting beaches.

Human activities on these islands has not shown significant negative impact compared with reefs in other places in Indonesia, but the threats because of the practices that are not environmentally friendly such as the use of bombs, poison (cyanide), taking turtle eggs and logging no attention to the aspects of sustainability is expected to disrupt the integrity of existing ecosystems. The Indonesian government had just set the Raja Ampat region as a new independent district, which is a great opportunity for local communities to manage natural resources of the Raja Ampat for the future of their lives. The new administration also offers the opportunity to participate to consider aspects of nature conservation in the spatial planning of new districts.
Raja Ampat consists of four major islands, namely Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati and Misool and hundreds of small islands. The islands are part of the vast sea of the Bird's Head area including Cenderawasih area, which is the largest marine national park in Indonesia.

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia, berketinggian 47 meters, was built in the 9th century. Location is 17 km to the east of Yogyakarta on the road to Solo. The main temple of Shiva Temple (center), Temple of Brahma (south), Temple Vishnu (north). Temple is located in front of spacecraft (vehicle) as a vehicle Trimurti; Temple Space is the vehicle of Brahma (God of Guardians), Candi Nandi (Ox) is the vehicle of Shiva (Destroyer Gods) and the Temple of Garuda is the vehicle of Vishnu (the god creator).
On the wall of the temple baluster fence of the temple of Shiva and Brahma Ramayana story carved reliefs, while the fence Vishnu temple steps carved reliefs Krisnayana very beautiful. entered the temple of Shiva from the east turn left you will find relief of the Ramayana story in a clockwise direction, the next story continued relief at the temple of Brahma.
Prambanan temple is known back when a Dutchman named CALons visited Java in 1733 and reported on the existence of temple ruins overgrown shrubs. First attempt to rescue the Prambanan Temple conducted by IJzerman in 1885 by cleaning stalls from the ruins of stone temples. In 1902 building work begins, led by Van Erp for the temple of Shiva, Vishnu temple and Brahma temple. Attention to the Prambanan Temple continues to grow. In the year 1933 successfully organized the experiment Brahma and Vishnu Temple. After experiencing various obstacles, on December 23, 1953 renovated Shiva temple. Brahma Temple began in 1978 and renovated in 1987 inaugurated. Vishnu Temple began renovated in 1982 and completed in 1991. Subsequent restoration activities carried out on 3 perwara temple located in front of the temple of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma temple besarta 4 color and 4 corner temples / stake.

Prambanan temple is the temple that was built by the kings of Sanjaya Dynasty in the ninth century. The discovery of writings on the temple's name raises Pikatan opinion that the temple was built by Rakai Pikatan which then resolved by Rakai Balitung numbered according to the inscription 856 AD "Inscription Siwargrarha" as a political manifest to confirm his position as king besar.Prasasti Siwargrarha year 856 AD is issued by the Rakai Pikatan unknown origin, are kept in the National Museum Jakarta.
These inscriptions began to attract attention after J.G. De Casparis successfully describe and discuss it. According to a 3 Casparis important thing in the prasati, namely: The language is the oldest example of dated inscriptions written in ancient Javanese poetry; It contains material or historical events is very important from the mid-abas to IX M; inside there is a description which detailed a "temples", something unique in the Javanese epigraphy kuna.Dari interesting description above is the event's history and a description of the construction of temples. Historical events in question is the battle between the family Sailendra Balaputeradewa against Rakai Pikatan of Sanjaya's family. Balaputeradewa defeated and fled to Sumatra. The consolidation of the royal family's Rakai Pikatan later became the beginning of a new period was inaugurated with the development needs of a large temples.
Prambanan Temple or Temple of Shiva is also often referred to as the temple of Roro related Jonggrang narrating legends about a virgin who Jonggrang (tall) who is the daughter of King Boko. Section bounded by the edge of the temple baluster fence decorated with reliefs of Ramayana story can be enjoyed with pradaksina to (walk around the temple to temple center is always on our right) through the hall.

Prambanan temple complex built by the Kings Wamca (Dinasty) Sanjaya in the 9th century. Prambanan is a complex of enshrinement in the main temple facing east, with the overall shape like mount the puppet 47 feet tall. Hinduism knows Tri Murti of Lord Brahma as the Creator, Lord Vishnu as the Preserver, the god Shiva as the Destroyer. The main chamber of the main temple occupied by Lord Shiva as the Supreme Deity so it can be concluded is a temple of Prambanan Shiva. Or Prambanan Shiva temple is also often referred to as the temple of Loro Jonggrang relate to the legend which tells about a virgin who Jonggrang or a tall girl, the daughter of King Boko, who built his empire on the hill south of the temple complex of Prambanan.
Section bounded by the temple baluster fence, decorated with reliefs of Ramayana can be enjoyed when we berperadaksina (walk around the temple with cansi center is always on the right of us) through the hall. The story continues on the fence balustrade of Brahma temple located on the left (south) of the main temple. Was the Vishnu temple baluster fence located on the right (north) of the temple, carved reliefs depicting the story Kresnadipayana childhood story of King Krishna as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu in eradicating keangkaramurkaan want in the world.

Booth overlooking the main temple to the north of Parung Durga, consort Lord Shiva, but generally people call it a statue of Roro Jonggrang, which according to legend, the stone statue before the body of life's beautiful daughter, who was condemned by the knights of Bandung Bondowoso, to complement ability to create a statue of a thousand men in one night.
Temple of Brahma and Vishnu temples each have a fruit stall occupied by statues of the gods in question.

The third front of the temple of Trimurti Gods that there are three temples which contain vehicle (vehicle) is the third god. All of them are now renovated and the only temple in the middle (in front of the temple of Shiva), still contains a statue of a bull named Nandi, Lord Shiva vehicle.
Statue of geese as a vehicle of Brahma and the eagle statue as Vishnu, the estimated vehicle used to fill chambers of the temple is located in front of the god's temple has now been restored.
Sixth temple represent the 2 groups facing each other, situated on a square yard, with sides 110 meters long.
In the yard stood the other temples, namely 2 brace temple with a height of 16 meters line of sight, which is a standing in the north and the other standing in the south, 4 temple curtain and 4 temple sedut.

Restoration and Repair
The transfer to the central Javanese kingdom of Mataram East terawatnya not result in the temples in the Prambanan, the condition is getting worse by the earthquake and the eruption of a few times to make Mount Merapi and Prambanan collapsed leaving debris scattered stones. Prambanan temple is known back when a Dutchman named CALons visited Java in 1733 and reported on the existence of temple ruins overgrown shrubs.
First attempt to rescue the temples of Prambanan conducted by IJzerman in 1885 by cleaning stalls from the ruins of stone temples. In the year 1902 began coaching jobs, led by Van Erp for the temple of Shiva, Vishnu temple and Brahma temple. Attention to the Prambanan Temple continues to grow. In the year 1933 successfully organized the experiment Brahma and Vishnu temples. After experiencing various obstacles resolved by the rebuilding of Indonesia, dated December 23, 1953 renovated Shiva temple and was officially declared by the President Dr. selasai. Ir. Sukarno.
Restoration of Prambanan temple in the region continue to be held, including the restoration of the temple of Brahma and Vishnu temples. Brahma temple restoration began in 1977 and was completed and inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Haryati Soebandio dated March 23, 1987. Wisnu Temple began renovated in 1982 completed and inaugurated by President Soeharto on 27 April 1991. Subsequent restoration activities carried out on the 3rd temple in front of the temple of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma temple besarta 4 color and 4 corner temples.
Page in the Hindu community regarded as the most sacred page, located in the middle of the page that has the 222 meters, and in the beginning of the temples as many as 224 perwara deret around the page in 3 lines.

Pawon Temple

Pawon a place to store Vajranala, namely King Indera weapons in Indian mythology. Pawon Headquarters are located 1150 meters to the west of and be Mendut 1750 meters to the east of the Borobudur Temple, also a Buddhist temple. When studied in detail in relief, it is the beginning of the relief of Borobudur temple.
Name Pawon not be known for certain in origin, but according to JG Casparis interpret that Pawon derived from Javanese language "Awu" (= ash), received the prefix "pa" and the suffix "an" which indicates a place. In everyday language "Pawon" means "kitchen", but Casparis defines "perabuan". Local residents Pawon also mention the name "Bajranalan". This word may be derived from the language sangsekerta "Vajra" (= thunder) and "anala" (= fire). With the Indian mythology, the god depicted armed Vajranala Sense. Therefore, according to past studies of this temple is a place to store weapons of god Vajranala senses.
Commemoration in Pawon

From the form of rocks, the possibility of this Pawon made of volcanic stone. Pawon This is above the terrace and stairs rather wide. All parts are decorated with domes and outer walls of temples decorated with reliefs of biological tree (= Kalpataru) is flanked coffers and kinara-kinari (half-human creature half bird / bird-headed human body).
After the tour and see our full in relief, it's very possible is the beginning of the Borobudur reliefs. So it is clear that this Pawon is also a Buddhist temple.
Pawon is one of the many temples in Indonesia. This temple is located in the village of Borobudur, Borobudur District, Magelang regency, Central Java Province was exactly 1150 meters to the west of and be Mendut 1750 meters to the east of the Borobudur Temple.

This temple has a different name Brajanalan Temple. Many people think Pawon is a tomb, but after investigation proved to be a place to store weapons named King Indera Vajranala. This temple is made of volcanic stone. Pawon This is above the terrace and stairs rather wide. All parts are decorated with domes and outer walls of temples decorated with reliefs of biological tree (= Kalpataru) is flanked coffers and kinara-kinari (half-human creature half bird / bird-headed human body).

Pawon located right on the line joining the axis of Borobudur and Mendut. Location Mendut, Pawon and Borobudur Temple, located on a straight line underlying the allegations that the three Buddhist Temple has a close connection. Besides its location, the similarity of the three motifs carved on the temple is also underlie the linkages among the three. Poerbatjaraka, even argued that the temple is a memorial Pawon antlers (part of) Borobudour Temple. In the chamber of this temple is no longer a statue found that it is difficult to identify it further. The beauty of the art building Pawon architecture shows the greatness of our ancestors.

Mendut Temple

Mendut temple is located at the east of the straight line triad temple (Borobudur, Pawon, Mendut). This temple was founded by the dynasty and set berlakang Syailendra Buddhism, where it is shown in the form of the stupa there are 48 pieces in the atasnya.Tidak known exactly when this temple was founded. But a Dutch archaeological inscription mentions that found in didesa KARANGTENGAH bertarikh 824M Indra argued that the king had built the shrine called venunava which means bamboo forests. If this is true then surely Mendut founded in the 8th century AD.
On the inside of this temple there is a room containing the altar where the three statues of Buddha stands. All three statues are starting from the far left is Vajravani Bodhisattva, the Buddha Sakyamuni and Bodhisattva. These three Buddha statues are still in good condition, some flowers and incense seems dibagian lying underneath. An iron fence was built the statue of the front to avoid excessive visitor interaction / was not concerned over this third Buddha statue.
Reliefs found on temple walls are still clearly visible form / engraving. Relief contains the story of the moral teachings using animal characters (fables) as characters. There is a story of "Brahmins and Crab", "Goose and Turtle", "Two Birds of a Different Betet" and "Dharmabuddhi and Dustabuddhi", the contents of the story briefly is as follows:
"Brahmins and Kepeting": Telling the story of a Brahmin who saved a crab for the crab is then returned the favor with a way to save the Brahmin from the disruption of crows and snakes.
"Goose and Turtle": Talking about a tortoise who was flown two geese kedanau new. Because emotions in speech responded to what they do, the tortoise, so let go the ground and eventually fall off.
"Two Birds of a Different Betet": tells the parrot behavior of two very different because it only brought up by the Brahmins and the other by a highwayman.
"Dharmabuddhi and Dustabuddhi": Two different friends Dustabuddhi behavior which has accused the despicable nature Dharmabuddhi behave abominably, but eventually discovered and Dustabudhi crime nor sentenced.
Chronologically, Mendut discovered in 1836. Later in the year renovation in 1897 and 1904 at the temple of the body but the results are less satisfactory. In the year 1908 archaeologists restored again by the Dutch until the top can be rearranged. In 1925 a number of stupas that have dirapihkan, installed and reassembled. Building area as a whole is 13.7 X13, 7 height 26.4 meters meterdengan.

Buddha statues inside the booth is Mendut, Dyani Buddha statue or Vairocana Cakyamuni, Buddha statue or Lokesvara Avalokitesvara, and Vajrapani Bodhisattva statue. Dyani Buddha statue facing west Cakyamuni (which was in the middle), sitting with his legs position angle downward, tread on a lotus-shaped foundation. Attitude hands 'dharmacakramudra' which means playing 'wheel of life'.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva statue in the north Dyani Buddha statues Cakyamuni, facing south. This image is portrayed in a sitting position, legs folded into the left and right leg hanging down. Attitude hand, 'varamudra' are giving meaningful or preach. This Avalokitesvara Pengarcaan Budhisatva oversized dress with jewels in her ears, neck and shoulders brown, and wear a crown.

And Vajrapani Bodhisattva statue located on the left side of Sakyamuni Buddha statue facing north, described by wearing a dress like Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva statue. Pengarcaannya a sitting position, right leg folded up with your feet touching the thigh, left leg hanging down.
Mendut building standing on a 'basement' (base of the temple) 3.70 meters tall, so elegant, strong and authoritative. Basic size of the temple 13.70 meters x 13.70 meters. The number of levels up the temple there are 14 traps, facing northwest. Toward this direction is not uncommon for temples in Central Java. Because in general the temples in Central Java, facing east. In the basement there are surrounding the hall of the temple body width 2.48 meters. The roof of the temple consists of three levels decorated with small stupas numbered 48 men. From the image reconstruction, the temple was originally a temple top. But unfortunately, the top of the beautiful temple until now not been successfully reconstructed. Building stone and ornamental stone temple can not be reconstructed now neatly arranged in the courtyard of the temple to the north. Now this temple building height, 26.50 meters.
Indeed Mendut other temples in Indonesia. As a Buddhist temple, this temple has its own attraction. Not only the existence of a large Buddha statue, the temple is also decorated with reliefs depicting the Jataka story-story, laden with meaning legal doctrines' Cause and Effect. "Contour-reliefs were carved on the outside panels of the wing ladder below. Relief on the right describes the story, the tortoise is in danger, saved by two storks. It turned out that a crane was deceiving the tortoise. Salvation, the tortoise was brought to bite a piece of wood two birds flying bango it to be taken to a lake. Because the tortoise tricked, he dared to fight the bird by biting his neck. So the birds died because of his evil deeds. Fable story relief (the story with animal characters) others in another panel, tells about a monkey who helped and diseberangkan a crocodile. The monkey climbed on the back of a crocodile. Actually the crocodile wants to eat the liver of monkeys. In the middle of the river crocodile stopped, and want to rip the belly of apes with sharp teeth. But with the clever monkey told the crocodile that he was left on the opposite bank. And that stupid crocodile believed talk of apes, monkeys who then ordered to keep him all the way across the stream. Arriving at the side of the river, the monkey jumped to escape.
On the other reliefs illustrate the story, an elephant who became violent when he was in the midst of those who were convicted of crimes. But the elephant was a gentle and docile when she was around the ascetics, the bhiku, the atmosphere was calm and quiet. And many more Fable story relief from the Jataka stories carved in this temple. Because of this temple was built not only as a place of worship and contemplation, but also as a place to deepen the teachings of the Buddha for his people.
On the right of the entrance to the chambers of the temple (north side), there is a relief Kuvera. This relief illustrates Kuwera god, the god of Wealth. Description, there is a man who sat surrounded by children. Beneath it were jars filled with money. It is said in the beginning was Kuvera giant man-eating savage. But after meeting with the Buddha and given moral and noble character, he repented and changed temperament to be protective of children.
On the left side (south side) entrance to the chambers of the temple, reliefs Hariti terpahatkan sitting lap child. Hariti around there are many children playing. As Kuvera, also beginning raseksi Hariti cannibal, and after realized and converted into child protection after the meeting and given the good teachings of the Buddha. Even Hariti also known as the Goddess of Fertility.
Temple is located in the city area of District Mungkid Mendut is approximately 3 kilometers east of the Borobudur temple. Until now not known with certainty, when the temple was built. Drs. Soediman in English-language guidebook, 'Chandi Mendut. Its relationship with Pawon and Borobudur 'writing, in a Dutch archaeologist dissertations, JG de Casparis connect this temple with the king of the dynasty Sailendra, Indra. In the inscription dated Karangtengah 824 AD during the reign of King Samaratungga mention that King Indra, the king's father Samaratungga, has established the shrine named 'Venuvana', which means bamboo forests. And according to Bhiku Sri Pannyavaro Mahathera in narrative in a video film documentary "Jewels are forgotten, Buddhist temples in Java" mentioned, the original name of this temple is 'Venuvana Mandira', which means palace in the middle of the bamboo forests.
When rediscovered in 1834, this temple covered ground and shrubs. Like Borobudur, the temple is estimated mahapralaya also a victim of the eruption of Mount Merapi in 1006 AD Damaged so ravaged affected Merapi volcanic material. And for centuries these temples 'sank' swallowed up times, along with the displacement of the center of the kingdom in Central Java to East Java.

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Green Canyon Indonesia

Green Canyon is a place that will not be missed when visiting the Pangandaran area. This is not excessive because this resort offers a uniqueness that is difficult to obtain from other attractions. Beautiful scenery and offered keasrian at Green Canyon formerly known Cukang Taneuh.
Green Canyon
Green Canyon resort is located in the Village Kertayasa, Ciamis, West Java, approximately 31 km from Pangandaran. The name was introduced by Green Canyon tourists from France. Color greenish river water may be the reason this place called Green Canyon. While the previous name, means Cukang Taneuh land bridge because of the bridge with wide and 3 meters to 40 meters long that connects the village with the Village Batukaras Kertayasa.
River Cijulang
The aim is tunnel-like cave under the land bridge known as the Green Canyon Cave. To reach the cave, you must follow the river using a boat Cijulang called ketinting. This boat can only boarded by passengers 5. Rents boats or ketinting is Rp 75.000, - per boat. The time it takes to make the trip that started from the pier to the caves Ciseureuh approximately 30 minutes.
On the side of the river you can enjoy Cijulang cliff overgrown hillside of lush green trees and rocks that decorate. The journey will not be boring because of the beautiful scenery and enjoy the casual stream. Naik ketinting can also create unique, especially for kids who loved the water.
We're almost there, the path will be narrowed so that the boat had to turn to enter this path. There is also a regulator that gives directions to the driver to drive the boat with the order. Approaching the mouth of the cave, ketinting no longer be able to take you and the group as an unlikely path traveled.
Green Canyon Cave
Beautiful scenery awaits you after a fall from the boat. You can enjoy a strong side with the cave to see Stalactite and stalagmites are still dripping water. The water continuously issued in the bank so that this region is called the eternal rain daeah. You can also swim in the cave by using a float. You will feel the water is cold and refreshing. More beautiful scenery while watching the waterfall Palatar contained in the Green Canyon Cave. Swimming in cold water while enjoying the high cliffs and saw Stalactite and stalagmite must have a separate experience unforgettable.
Green Canyon or Cukang Taneuh is indeed a beautiful resort in the Pangandaran area. However, if you intend to visit this place should be visited in the dry season because this season, the river water Cijulang tosca green. Whereas in the rainy season, when high rainfall, river water will be brown. Also during the rainy season it is possible to install water or river water flow is too fast, so this place is closed to the public for the safety of visitors.